About Us
We are a team of like-minded people who are against labels, prejudices and clichés. We strive to form quality, open and effective policies.

Our Projects

Ukraine Alert
Ukraine Alert project aimed at raising awareness among foreigners about the Russian invasion and debunking fakes about it.
The project team has published more than 2,882 multilingual digests of events in Ukraine, which are distributed among Ukrainian embassies and politicians around the world.

Bloody Trade
#bloodytrade is an international campaign that urged businesses to leave the Russian market, as well as to boycott companies that remained operating in Russia. The campaign reached more than 4 million people in total.
Read more on The Telegraph

#unrussiaUN is the biggest campaign to isolate Russia internationally. We helped gather more than 340,000 signatures for a petition to expel Russia from the UN, and the campaign was supported by leading politicians in Ukraine and Europe.

Light Up Ukraine
Together with United24 we launched a charity campaign, when Russia attacked Ukraine's energy infrastructure. On the longest night of 2022, more than 60 of the most famous locations turned off the lights as a sign of solidarity with Ukraine. $2,668,771 was raised during the campaign to buy generators for Ukrainian hospitals.

Ukraine in Global South
We systematically help Ukrainian diplomacy interact with countries of the Global South. Our assistance includes not only preparation of analytical and informational materials, but also elaboration of a strategy for the development of diplomatic, cultural and economic cooperation between Ukraine and the Global South.

Ukrainian Delegation in PACE
We support members of the Ukrainian delegation to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe. Together we worked out several dozens of legal documents (motions for resolutions, written declarations, reports, etc.), which were adopted by the organization.

Caucuses in the Parliament of Ukraine
Since the beginning of the full-scale invasion, we have supported the inter-parliamentary liaison groups of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, primarily the French and Great Britain caucuses. We are ready to provide up-to-date and verified information and analysis on each request.

Ukrainian Delegation in IPU
We work systematically with the Ukrainian delegation to the Inter-Parliamentary Union. For each meeting of the IPU we prepare not only analytical materials and position papers, but also provide legal support to the secretariat of the Ukrainian delegation.
Our Reports
Get in Touch
Please feel free to contact us with any questions via email or contact form.